Monday 13 December 2010

Blog Evaluation

This is the first time time I have ever created a blog and throughout my time designing it and posting my comments I have really enjoyed it. The main purpose of this blog was to post work related posts such as artist research but I started posting independently and posting my interests and my own photography. I went on a few trips such as the Restless times Exhibition, Abram Games and U.C.A.S trip to Manchester. The U.C.A.S trip was very beneficial, it gave me an insight of what university is like and what I would be studying, the most promising university may be Leeds as they have more to offer and work with clients which is something I wanted to do to prepare me for working life.

Allot of the blog work was based around research and looking at other blogs for inspiration such as; Titles, Layout, Text and colours, i found a few I like and have posted these on my blog but I really like the fashion side of photography and have also posted this on my blog and set up links to the blogs I have chosen. In one of our trips we looked at Abram Game and his graphic i like most of Abram's work and also like how he had displayed all his research and plans in the exhibition as well as his work.
Using the blog itself is a great and professional way do not only annotate you work but to display it to the best it can be. Technology is constantly advancing and becoming for advance which more gateways and opportunities to display your work in a even more professional method
Allot of my work is not displayed to its best because of the layout but using a blog makes displaying you work as neat as possible.

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