Monday 20 December 2010

Projecet Proposal

Project Proposal
Recycling Electrical Good

This project is a live project and will eventually develop an outcome based around the advertisements of recycling electrical good. The two main purposes of this poster are to inform and persuade people to recycle and do their bit to help the environment. A poster is a great way of giving of a visual message so I think starting with research would be the best thing to do to make my poster be the most informative and to the best standards possible.
The first week I intend to research other advertisements and companies that specialise in the advertising side of recycling. I started my research looking at other designer’s posters and advertisements.

I intend to plan this unit out over period of 8 weeks starting with research right through to making my final piece. I have looked at a few designers already and was drawn towards the work of Becky Redman. her work id 2D which as a graphic designer I will be working with and not only are the posters effective the message in which the poster are displaying are very clear.
I will need to do more research on the colour schemes of the posters and decide which colours I would like the use, I would also like my message to be short but effective and still no sure whether a slogan will be necessary.
The artists I will research will also help me build up my contextual studies portfolio, helping me in future projects. My final piece will be digitally manipulated on Photoshop or whichever software is the most appropriate but I will create my own backgrounds or maybe images using different media such a paint or print. The work will be all my own ideas and will display these ideas on layout paper and use these as planning evidence.

Don't Let This Be Our Future.
This poster is clearly a piece of image manipulation, the message is strong in this poster and there is clear relevance between the picture and the text. Also like the layout of this poster and image doesn't have and particular vanishing point but is 3D and draws you in the a certain point.
The vibrant colours also work really well and stand out and eye catching which is also effective for the purpose of this poster and will think about this use of colour in the poster I am hoping to create.

Green Project
The posters layout is very simple and basic using a small amount of text and a larger font for the heading. The size of the text is vital for this is what gives the poster its purpose, a poster poster doesn't necessarily have to have text but the image has to be strong enough to give the message to the reader. The colour scheme is also good, the poster is for a organisation for Green Project so as displayed the most relevant colour would be green. The image of the world screwed into a ball has a good effect on the posters not only for its purpose but for its colour its splits the poster up and entices the reader to read on. I will think about the layout for my final peace and the effectiveness this poster has.

You Country Needs You
I have chosen to leave the environment posters and look at posters that have an effect but more for the layout and the use of pictures and text. This image was a very effective poster in WW2 enticing people to join the army i wish to create the same sort of effect but to recycle. I think using the same layout and the same style but changing the text and the purpose to my relevant project on recycling. People will recognise this payout and realise that this is a serious posters asking people to recycle but also see the poster as a fun and quirky idea.

Find A Safe Place To Cross
The two poster both use the same colour scheme and i think this is very effective, the use of black and white images and the redness on the posters is a sign of colour domination which is a very strong feature to this poster. The red on the poster makes the poster eye catching and the text clear to read on both poster. I especially like the layout to the (Find a safe place to cross) poster because the way the image is separated into two halves text on one side and a relevant image on the other. This is one of my favourite and will use the black and white images and the text to inspire me for my final piece.


I have looked at many posters and found the top four i likes and had the most effectiveness and had the clearest message, my aim is to take something form each of the posters and use them in my final piece using my research i will be able to develop my work using inspiration and techniques i have learnt through this project right up to my final piece.

Monday 13 December 2010

Blog Evaluation

This is the first time time I have ever created a blog and throughout my time designing it and posting my comments I have really enjoyed it. The main purpose of this blog was to post work related posts such as artist research but I started posting independently and posting my interests and my own photography. I went on a few trips such as the Restless times Exhibition, Abram Games and U.C.A.S trip to Manchester. The U.C.A.S trip was very beneficial, it gave me an insight of what university is like and what I would be studying, the most promising university may be Leeds as they have more to offer and work with clients which is something I wanted to do to prepare me for working life.

Allot of the blog work was based around research and looking at other blogs for inspiration such as; Titles, Layout, Text and colours, i found a few I like and have posted these on my blog but I really like the fashion side of photography and have also posted this on my blog and set up links to the blogs I have chosen. In one of our trips we looked at Abram Game and his graphic i like most of Abram's work and also like how he had displayed all his research and plans in the exhibition as well as his work.
Using the blog itself is a great and professional way do not only annotate you work but to display it to the best it can be. Technology is constantly advancing and becoming for advance which more gateways and opportunities to display your work in a even more professional method
Allot of my work is not displayed to its best because of the layout but using a blog makes displaying you work as neat as possible.

Wednesday 1 December 2010

Following Blogs

I have followed quite a few Blogs some friends and some in which i have like for different reasons.
Google reader is an easy and quick way to view the bloggers last posts and last updates save messing around with the URL the view their blog and then find the post.

Tuesday 30 November 2010


I visited the UCAS day in Manchester for more university information and a talk with some of the staff who specialise in Graphics, I collected a wide range of booklets and information to give me a bigger insight to what the courses have to offer. Manchester, Leeds and Sheffield were the most promising as they all work with clients and would give me an insight the how a graphic designer work and also meeting deadlines.

Monday 22 November 2010

University Progression

After achieving my National Diploma in Graphic design I am hoping to go on to further education in Graphic Design at university, I'm not a hundred percent on which university I want to attend.
I looked at several university such as
I have looked into these universities briefly and found that i preferred Sheffield Hallum University the reason for this is mostly because I can continue my education and still live at home, I could also do this at derby but wasn't into this university as much as Sheffield. Since i am currently studying a National Diploma I am hoping to do a BA Degree. Graphic Design at Sheffield Hallam is a full time course over a period of thee years. The study topics withing Graphic Design are Printmaking, life drawing and photography all in which i have done. I was worried about the finance of the course but after speaking with my tutor it doesn't seem to be a bigger problem as I thought its takes a small amount from you income ever week or month as long as you earn over a certain amount.
I intend to look more into the other Universities and many more to give me a bigger insight of what i can do and were I can do it.

University Of Leeds

Graphic and Communication Design is one of the Courses at Leeds university I am interested in like the rest it is a full time BA Degree. This course does involve allot of Graphic Advertising which is the one thing I definitely wanted to do. The course also gives you experience with clients and working at a professional standard ready for my future career.
I also liked this university because of the area which it is based in I have some friends from the Leeds area and the lifestyle outside of study would be a fun as well. I said earlier that i didn't want to move away from home but I have quite a while before university yet so I have more time to think about it and maybe change my mind.

University Of Derby

Visual Communication (Graphic Design) at Derby is a little different to the rest, The design side of this course rages from layout Design to Web Design, which is interesting but not something I think I would like to study. This is a full time course which is what I'm looking for but doesn't have much to do with the Advertising side of Graphic Design.

Nottingham Trent University

Nottingham also has a good refernce to graphic design, this course is pretty much the same, It's a BA degree in Graphic Design but after reading more into this course there study topics sound interesting and something i would wish to do such as; Print, Illustration, Advertising, Branding, New Media, Motion Graphics.

Monday 15 November 2010

Hulton Deutsch

Hulton Deutsch is another company i found who take old famous photographs or images, sell them to a library,people buy there work and use it without the use of copyright.
Hulton seem he focus on the time of the war and and also black and white images, this is also something i would like to do.


When researching images and layouts i found a magazine called creative review, the magazine was good because of the layouts and the structure of the text. The images didn't really interest me that much but but the colours did, the magazine consists of the same layout all the way through using pink and black text. Creative Review is a graphic magazine which therefore consists of some 3D images but mainly 2D.
The layout is also split into sections using sub-headings, these are much larger and use bolder and thicker font. Throughout the magazine other companies,artists or designers post their names or logos on the page in which their work is displayed on This has inspired me with my blog such as, text and headings to give my blog more character.

As i continued my research i looked at a magazine called Aperture and found this to be a magazine on black and white photography, something else i am very fond of. This magazine contains lots of black and white photography and also small amounts of fashion photography. One of the artists i found was Richard Brody, who involved alot of his photography with film making and directing. Another one of his styles of photography is having a short depth of field and focusing on the main character/object which makes the backdrop blurry.

Blog Research

I have a Passion for photography and fashion and while doing my research i came across a fashion photography blog I like the images n this blog but i also really like the layout and the colours in which the creator has used.

I found another blog, yet again i like the layout t his bog it is very simple, effective and easy to use but wasn't very interested in the contents of this blog.

This time the blog i chose wasn't because of the layout or the images but more for the blog logo and background and will use blogs like this for inspiration.

JCD blog is very professional and i really like the layout to it i also like the colours they work very well against each other.

I also like this blog because of the layout once again i also like the title and the colours it's very eye catching and vibrant .

Sunday 14 November 2010

The Festival Of Britain 1950s

In 1951, just six years after World War II, Britain’s towns and cities still showed the scars of war that remained a constant reminder of the turmoil of the previous years. With the aim of promoting the feeling of recovery, the Festival of Britain opened on the 4th May 1951, celebrating British industry, arts and science and inspiring the thought of a better Britain. This also happened to be the same year they celebrated the centenary, almost to the day, of the 1851 Great Exhibition. Coincidence? I think not!

Monday 8 November 2010

Abram Grames

As a graphic designer research is one of the best sources of planning, so we traveled to Sheffield Hallam University to view his work. The exhibition not only showed his main work but also showed his planning and notes in which he had created to reach his final and most famous pieces of work.

Monday 1 November 2010

Collage of the Crooked Spire in Chesterfield town center.
This collage was made from many different types of media such as; Newspaper, shredded images of the crooked spire, blue ink, brown paper and black and white paint applied using card.

Purpose Of This Blog

I have created this blog to not only research artists and share the artist i researched but to post some of my work for others to view and hopefully give me feedback.